Wear Me #10: The Nudes

When I think about summer, regardless my geographical location, I always have a feeling of easiness and calmness. I’ve been thinking lately that summer is a state of my mind. This superb condition where everything around you just is what it is in its simplest form, without overthinking involved. Especially when it comes to fashion, summer to me is so easy and relaxed. If you think about it, people are forced to feel comfortable with their bodies during summer. You know, even if you don’t go to the beach, chances have it that you will be at least a bit hot and you’ll expose more of you And that is good. Because what’s the ultimate goal of fashion after all? To express our true selves, without trying to hide who we are.
Or at least that’s what fashion stands for in my head and that’s how I try to communicate it in my life.
So, summer is a state of mind. Relax, be yourself and smile