Wear Me #8: Summer Breeze

Necklace / Sunglasses / Bag / Dress
For those of you following me on Instagram this necklace is no news, since I shared it last week as a sneak preview of my summer collection. For the rest of you though….guys this is my new necklace I named it “Dragonfly” because it reminds me of hot summer days near a lake with dragonflies playing around the water.
But in general my whole collection reminds me of some soft version of an “Ice Age”. Maybe it’s the plexiglass that has an ice-y feeling, or the soft, pale colors… don’t know.
This outfit is what I want to imagine my self in aaaaall summer. I wish the weather in the Netherlands allowed such dresses in June. But no. In Holland you wear tights and a warm jacket on the 1st of june. That’s how it goes around here.
That’s why I count the days (minutes as well) till I go to Greece in one month! Oh boy the summer dresses I’ll wear..! And with my new collection I’ll feel like a queen of summer, haha!