I am very happy that I can finally share this lovely interview with you. Nanja is one of my favorite people on earth when it comes to how she styles and wears my jewelry. I met her almost a year ago through my work and I've been proudly watching her make my jewelry look so stunning on her gorgeous photos.
She is kind and sweet as she comes through on her impressive Instagram account. I had the opportunity to share a cup of coffee last year with her and I have to admit she is indeed delightful.
Her make-up and hair styling work is equally impressive, so I urge you to follow her on instagram and check her personal site, MassyCreations. And if by any chance you are located in Belgium, she also throws inspired make-up and hair workshops...what are you waiting for?
How do you like to start your day? Do you have any morning rituals that make a difference in your life?
I make time for my beauty routine. I think our skin is very important, we carry it a whole life with us, so we must take care of it. And of course singing out loud with the radio :)
I make time for my beauty routine. I think our skin is very important, we carry it a whole life with us, so we must take care of it. And of course singing out loud with the radio :)
What is your relationship with fashion? I know that recently you've been awarded for your Minimalist Style.
I love fashion. In my own minimalistic way. When I was young I spent all my money on clothes & accessories. Now I think twice... preferably quality clothes that fits the rest of my wardrobe to make endless combinations and that I know where my clothes came from. And one important thing about my personal style: less is more. I love basics with a twist and of course I love to pimp up my clothes with statement necklaces/jewelry.
How do you reflect your style in your Make-Up and Hair projects?
I keep my signature of make-up & hairstylist minimal in the way that all people are beautiful by their own. Make-up or a nice hairstyle just accentuate your inner beauty so I keep it simple by highlighting the most beautiful spots and to camouflage the less ones. Give people the right make-up/hairstyle and they can handle the world ;)
What would you advice younger women regarding their beauty rituals nowadays?
Drink enough water, make time for yourself to do, for example, some sports, sleep enough and always wear sun protection. And never ever go to bed without cleaning your face.
If you could time-travel what would you do / where would you go?
I think the Egyptian period. I love the beauty secrets of Cleopatra, she started with the black eyeliner, eyeshadow (especially green), a milk-honey bath for a soft skin, foundation and a good moisturizer. Just all the things we also love now.
How would you describe life in Leuven? What would you suggest someone to definitely do if she visited your city?
Leuven is a small cosy city where everyone know each other. It's like a little village. You have the city life or you can escape from the hustle of the city in the nearest villages like kessel-lo where I grew up. When you come and visit Leuven, it's the student city of Belgium, so you definitely have to taste our beer 'Stella Artois', it's world famous and brewed at Leuven. Than of course some shopping at LIV, for the best scandinavian and french brands, Thelma Coffee and design, like the name said: for a cup of coffee, something sweet and to shop the finest interior items & accessories, like your 'MyLifeBox' jewelry ;-)
Baracca for their lovely italian foodsharing concepts and pizza. La divina commedia for real authentic italian dishes or a good glass of wine with some tapas. Cyaankali, a designer vintage store where you can find real treasures from Delvaux bags to big designer names like Dries van Noten, Sonia Rykiel, Chanel, Marni,...
And lastly, if you had to choose one mantra / quote / word to follow you along the rest of your life, what would it be?
Never stop believe in yourself and you're the happiest when you learn to love yourself in the first place. In one word... LOVE. Just LOVE. & much love for your designs Anna !