myLifebox Feature on Etsy Campaign

Good news: Yesterday I received a lovely message containing the photo you see above. Around six months ago one of the Etsy admins reached out to me asking for one of my designs for a photo-shoot they were putting together for an Etsy Campaign. Of course I was thrilled and super excited to send it. A couple of months later I received the necklace back with no notice if they did use it or not. So I assumed they didn’t.
But no! Yesterday was the day that proved me wrong. And I couldn’t be happier. Not only the result is amazing but also I was over the moon when I heard who the stylist and photographer were. Thomas Vermeer (with whom I happen to share a last name, wtf?) and Sabrina Bongiovanni worked together for Etsy and made all this magic happen!
And I’m so glad they did